Spring Practices for the New Moon in Aries

This new moon, we share a selection from Ignota's archive of supportive rituals and practices for spring.

Drawn from Ignota's repository of seasonal rituals, these were first published in the Ignota Diary. 2024’s limited edition is still available – get yours while you can!

Seed Bombs by Jenna Sutela

Artist Jenna Sutela's guide to an ancient technique for propagating new plants without opening up the soil with cultivation tools.

Rehmania and Goji Berry Wine by Maria Christofi

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) the spring equinox is a significant gateway: a time to focus on internal balance and cleansing, and nourishing the body for the year ahead. This wine is an adaptogenic elixir for vitality and longevity, ancient medicine to ground the body to earth and the spirit to the heart.

Spring Cleaning Tarot Spread by Adrienne Maree Brown

A tarot spread for the bursting life and abundance of the season. Use this spread to work in harmony with the enlivening energies of spring.

Healing Recipes by Hildegard of Bingen

“Your food shall be your remedy”. These medieval recipes are selected to provide inspiration for your own healing practices. Visit St. Hildegard and her Medicine to read about the remedies and their preparation in full. 

Soji (掃除): A Meditation on Zen Cleaning by Shoukei Matsumoto

Buddhist monk Shoukei Matsumoto's guide to the purification of a physical house ad the external representation of deeper inner work.